9:00 AM09:00


An Embodied flow™ Inspired journey

9am GMT

£20 | Online

What messages are you getting from consciousness? What is the universe whispering to you? What is your deepest desire and how does that serve the greater whole?

Attune to the voice of your higher self and move forward in love, courage and wisdom. This is a powerful time for change. It’s a time where we can rebirth ourselves, rebuild and get clear on what is being called forward in us, both on an individual level, and for the collective. When we align our desires, when we listen to our intuitive knowing and when we follow the course that life is guiding us towards, we come closer to our Dharma.

In this 2 hour online Embodied Flow™ Inspired journey, we will journal, inquire, meditate, dance and practice asana to clear the way so life can move freely through us. So we can move into the river and trust in the currents that guide our next steps.

Perfect for those who are looking to innovate their yoga practice and are interested in embodied movement, yogic philosophy, refining their intuition, breaking down limited beliefs and having a positive impact in their communities.

You will need a mat, journal, pen, access to Spotify and any props you usually use for your practice.


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9:00 AM09:00


A 60 minute exproration into potentiality

With @youfestph

£11 | Online

To come into relationship with the unknown is to tap into Reality itself and this offering will invite us to let go of what we think we know, to live on the edge of discovery as we meditate, breathe and move, using embodiment, free movement and inquiry to attune to the creative possibilities that are always already waiting to be birthed through each of us.

This 4-day virtual event brings together wellbeing practitioners, coaches, and experts together with seekers of wellbeing, personal growth and transformation on one platform to share and connect with each other. Jam-packed full of exploration, healing, and fun, join us to experience the different activities and workshops that will nurture your mind-body-energy through self-discovery, self-exploration, and self-empowerment.


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9:00 AM09:00


An Embodied flow™ Inspired journey

9am GMT

£20 | Online

The practices of yoga and meditation are designed to build our capacity to feel, taste and hold more of life. They increase our resilience, help us lean into discomfort, support the processing of stuck energy in our bodies and help dissolve old stories that keep us small and hold us back. They are powerful energetic spells that transform our perspective and transmute individual pain into collective wellbeing.

In this 2 hour online Embodied Flow™ Inspired journey, we will journal, inquire, meditate, dance, flow and draw on powerful, ancient energy practices to amplify our field, resource our system and learn how to hold ourselves closely and tenderly, while we do the work to wake up and get clear.

Perfect for those who are looking to innovate their yoga practice and are interested in embodied movement, yogic philosophy, breaking down limited beliefs and building their emotional and mental resourcefulness.

You will need a mat, journal, pen, access to Spotify and any props you usually use for your practice.


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