An Embodied flow™ Inspired journey
9am GMT
£20 | Online
What messages are you getting from consciousness? What is the universe whispering to you? What is your deepest desire and how does that serve the greater whole?
Attune to the voice of your higher self and move forward in love, courage and wisdom. This is a powerful time for change. It’s a time where we can rebirth ourselves, rebuild and get clear on what is being called forward in us, both on an individual level, and for the collective. When we align our desires, when we listen to our intuitive knowing and when we follow the course that life is guiding us towards, we come closer to our Dharma.
In this 2 hour online Embodied Flow™ Inspired journey, we will journal, inquire, meditate, dance and practice asana to clear the way so life can move freely through us. So we can move into the river and trust in the currents that guide our next steps.
Perfect for those who are looking to innovate their yoga practice and are interested in embodied movement, yogic philosophy, refining their intuition, breaking down limited beliefs and having a positive impact in their communities.
You will need a mat, journal, pen, access to Spotify and any props you usually use for your practice.